Your contribution will help fund:

  • Creating financial accessibility for our retreats and future programming

  • Compensating our staff to implement new programming and sustain the Let My People Sing! offerings you know and love.

  • Resourcing Jewish cultural workers, song leaders, and musicians who are hired to teach at Let My People Sing! gatherings and workshops

  • Building a culture of care through resourcing support roles at gatherings such as access support, care team, BIJOCSM caucus leaders and more.

Again and again, Let My People Sing! has shown me what is possible when we come together and truly listen to each other. I’m so grateful for the space that LMPS creates. Through my experiences at LMPS I have been transformed as a teacher of song, as a community-builder, and as a student and listener. At every LMPS gathering I’ve been a part of I’ve been amazed to watch as participant—regardless of musical or Jewish background—awaken to their ability to sing, to lead others in song, and to transform communities through music.
— Yosef Goldman (lead teacher)

If you are giving $1000 or above, WOW! Thank you!

Please donate directly to our fiscal sponsor FJC via check, wire or ACH transfer to avoid processing fees.  

To donate via check:

Make a check out to FJC, memo line: Let My People Sing! And mail to our fiscal sponsor: 
FJC-A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds
225 West 39th Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10018

To donate via FJC Wire and ACH, please email us at

Let My People Sing is fiscally sponsored by FJC, a 501c3 public charity. As such, all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

I’ve never been in a more spiritual, pluralistic, healing and connective Jewish space. After this weekend, I feel certain that connecting to one another through song, chant, and music is the healing we NEED to get through these troubled times— remembering where we come from, where we are going, and that we need each other to do it.